Postcards from the Mountains: Post-Script
Earlier this evening, I posted a blog entry of random postcards - soon there after, however, friend of us here at HS Tim "the Flannel Enigma" Truxell commented, noting the absence of a college near his hometown, a certain Washington and Lee University. Now, I didn't intend to try to hit a ton of colleges, but I did (unconscious desires manifesting themselves in HTML) and I recognized that I should defer to his request. A quick search of yielded immediate results - if you please: Great, eh? I love W&L's campus, always have. But I did go to Emory & Henry and I just can't let this opportunity go by without responding to the Enigma's request without shouting out to the Wasps. Blue and Gold, baby.
Not just near my hometown, its also my alma mater. Many thanks!
I was just trying to remember the name of this school earlier this week - my roommate and i took a road trip to W&L becaus eshe was seeing someone there. I found it odd that there was a preppy boys college sitting cheek by jowl with a military college.
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