Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Spread the Word

Arts Alliance Mountain Empire
Art in Public Places
Outdoor Sculpture Competition 2007


Mike said...

Thanks for your work bringing this to the Tri Cities! Are you doing any marketing in conjunction with the Highlands Festival?
I've always thought it would be neat to have a piece of installation art at each bridge along the Creeper Trail. Being near a man made bridge would counter any nay-sayer's concern about impeding on the natural scenery. Perhaps the Gates over the confluence of the South and Middle Forks of the Holston at Averado?

Our Goblin Market said...

Great idea Mike. I would love to see the landscape dotted with art. What I think about all the time is the hike to hidden valley lake where you turn one corner of the trail and there are massive rock sculptures made by the persons who enjoy the trail. It is an ongoing installation of art in the landscape. That corner always excited me.